Sunday, March 7, 2010

Here we go, so, um, Shalom!

Israeli cuisine. Never gave it much thought up until a couple of months ago. Sure, I'm a self-professed and proven foodie. I LOVE to cook, try new restaurants, throw dinner parties, stuff my face with yummy-tasting goodies -- you get the picture.

But Israeli food? Why? I've never been to Israel, spent most of my years of Hebrew school daydreaming about my future life with Michael J. Fox (as a result, "Shalom" pretty much remains the extent of my Hebrew-speaking ability), and assumed that a typical Israeli menu didn't extend beyond pita, hummus and falafel.

And speaking of falafel, ever since a Hebrew school classmate got sick to his stomach after eating too much of the fried delicacy 20-some-odd years ago at a Yom Ha'atzmaut party I've steered clear of the stuff.

Enter my aunt's recent Chanukah gift and catalyst for this blog:

I started flipping through the cookbook soon after I received it, but I have to admit, I was a little intimidated by the recipes -- where was I supposed to get raw tahini? Or, rather, what exactly IS tahini? What is kashkaval cheese?

And more importantly -- will my Puerto Rican Catholic husband eat any of these dishes? Will I?

So the cookbook wound up collecting dust for a good two months, until a conversation with my fellow foodie and dear friend M helped me to realize that a) I needed a new cooking challenge and b) I should blog about my attempts to cook Israeli food!

Before you read any further, I want to say once and for all that I am NOT trying to pull a Julie Powell here. Yes, this blog is going to document my adventures and experiences in Israeli cooking -- something I know NOTHING about. And (fingers crossed) I hope it will also serve as a forum where people can offer me tips and advice (seriously, please, I need it!). 

I do not intend to "cook my way" through The Book of New Israeli Food: A Culinary Journey -- although I'm going to try to make as many recipes from it as possible. The author, Janna Gur, includes such mouth-watering photographs of her dishes as well as popular food markets and restaurants that it's going to be hard to resist trying to make everything. Also, I'm a busy woman. I won't be posting daily. Or even weekly. I'll try though.

So as I start this journey, I want to thank a few people in advance for their initial advice and support. As previously mentioned, my friend M, who pretty much gave me this idea :-) My friend S, whose recent trip to Israel automatically has made her an eager and willing food-taster. My colleague C, who pointed out the amazing Middle Eastern food market right in my own backyard and who has offered excellent suggestions for the direction of this blog. And, of course, my husband, A, for putting up with this crazy gastronomic challenge to begin with :-)

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